First blog post

So here we are…

My first blog post and I have nothing to say. Please stop waiting for me to say something lovely and witty, and just enjoy these random images 🙂

Featured post

Hey Jude

Meet Jude. My older sister’s first born.

I don’t think there was any better way to try out my hand (or eye) at baby photography. Having the chance to meet and photograph the first little one to make me an aunty, was surreal and perfect. (Although there was lot’s of crying involved…thankfully not by me 😉 )

Boudoir with Ashley

Boudoir wasn’t a style I was super interested in doing. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone, and forced me to learn and grow.

That being said, I had a beautiful model and we had a lot of fun. I think boudoir can be done in a very flattering and classy way, that can leave the model (and anyone looking at the photos) feeling confident and empowered.

I wanted to change it up a bit, have it be a little different than your classic boudoir shoot. I think we accomplished that, and ended up with some really beautiful photos!

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